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You do not need any formal qualifications to enter the course. Most participants are employed in a relevant occupation and have at least GCSEs or their equivalent.
The course does count towards your Continuing Professional Development for The Chartered Governance Institute. The Institute currently require 20 CPD a year for their members and this course would meet a year’s requirement in full. Our alumni training sessions also count towards The Chartered Governance Institute CPD, each of our alumni seminars will count as 1 CPD hour. Our course and alumni events may count towards other professional CPD requirements.
We are regularly asked about the possibility of missing part of the course or being exempt from parts of the exams because of prior professional qualifications or experience.
This short course qualification constitutes a good grounding for all aspects of employee share plans. It covers all key issues such as legal, accounting, tax and regulatory requirements and on the course we show how these issues relate to each other. We do, therefore, expect you to attend the full course and there are no exemptions available.
Attendees are required to register for both parts of the course on first application for registration. A refund will not be provided in the event that you do not complete the course.
Tapestry is committed to delivering the highest of standards for both course delivery and quality of course material.
The Chartered Governance Institute is responsible for quality assurance, through moderation of the exam material and the marking.
Yes - we do hold the examinations online for the 2024 course.
Should you fail one examination paper, you must re-sit the failed examination at the next available opportunity (usually the following year). Candidates are allowed two re-sit opportunities. If successful at these re-sits, the mark will be capped at 50% (so a ‘Pass’ grade is the highest possible result for any re-sit exam).
There will be a charge to re-sit an examination.
We require all students to attend all teaching wherever possible, although we appreciate sometimes missing the teaching is unavoidable (e.g. for medical reasons). There is a requirement to attend 75% of the course to be able to sit the exams. We also provide very detailed course notes and there is a revision session a few weeks before the exam to provide course participants with the opportunity to go over things covered on the course.
All the presenters are experts in their field and most are senior lawyers at Tapestry Compliance.
We may from time to time host events and provide newsletters and updates to keep our alumni connected with each other. This is separate from the course you attend and is not included in the course fee.
Gabrielle Miranda
Gabby is the best person to speak to. She can be contacted on and on +44 (0)203 432 2556. She also deals with all registrations on the course and, when the course is full, maintains the waitlist.